• What are the methods of whitening? What whitening products have you used? Does it work? There are many ways to whiten it now! Our diet can be done! White skin care can try! Beauty girls can look at these methods Dream beauty pro hard sell !


    Too much of a sweet tooth causes sugar to react with the protein in the skin, damaging the collagen that sustains the skin's elasticity, which in turn accelerates the aging of the skin.

    Eat more protein

    Eating more protein can make your skin white and white, and protein plays a key role in the formation of collagen and elastin. Good sources of protein include: meat, fish, eggs, beans, etc.

    Take adequate vitamin supplements

    A proper oral dose of vitamin A, C and E can help prevent exposure to the sun and the harmful effects of aging on the skin. A deficiency of vitamin A can easily lead to A rough loss of moisturizing skin. Vitamin C helps the skin recover its luster and elasticity. Vitamin E is highly oxidative.

    Do not eat foods that contain artificial food additives Dream beauty pro

    The innards of healthy people maintain normal metabolism and smooth out the melanin. However, excessive artificial additives in food can cause the burden of internal organs, resulting in melanin precipitation, forming black spots, freckles and so on.

    The method of whitening has not to eat or eat less candy! Eat more protein! Take a proper amount of vitamins! You can whiten your skin! Make your skin shiny and elastic! Pay attention to dietary conditioning! Can let you have beauty effect o!

    The coix seed porridge can whiten the skin

    Many women like to drink semen coicis porridge, coix seed porridge has great benefits to the women's health, many say coix seed porridge has the effect of whitening skin, so you know how to make coix seed porridge? The benefits of coix seed porridge are so many that it's better to learn how to make coix seed.

    , especially for the benefits of barley porridge there are a lot of a lot of beautiful to love girl, drink barley porridge can keep a good figure, not only can whiten skin, the introduction of don't believe, you can look at it.

    Do you know what coix seed is? It's a kind of rice, which can be bought in the normal supermarket. But this kind of ordinary things with rich nutrition, not only can meet the body's nutritional needs, and we can make the skin more beautiful, for weight loss, also have certain effect.

    Coix seed porridge can invigorate the lungs, dewater the swelling, heat dehumidification, healthy body, whitening clean skin. Coix seed 30g, rice 20g, red jujube 5, ice sugar a little. Red dates go to nucleus, coix seed, rice wash; After rinsing all the materials, add the right amount of water to boil together to serve.

    The following is a guide to the soup, which can make up the spleen and turn the blood back into the ring, which can make the complexion ruddy. The dragon eye meat in the soup has the effect of invigorating qi and blood, the lotus seed can nourish the heart and spleen, while coix seed has the effect of whitening and swelling. Lotus seed 30 g, eur30 g, coix seed 50g, longan meat 8g, pork 300g, jujube 2. Clean the pork and rinse the water; Clean all materials; After boiling, add all the ingredients, boil for 10 minutes, then turn to simmer for 2 hours Dream beauty pro.

    Above is to use coix seed to make a few health congee class, not only can whiten skin, and can satisfy the various nutrition that human body needs, it is the choice that beautiful woman winter health raises good. The congee class made of coix seed is the most suitable for use during the exercise period. It can both increase the strength of the body and also have the effect of losing weight. I hope you can try it.

    Dietitian reminds: coix seed sex micro cold, suggest a woman to be pregnant early fast, the sweat is few, constipation is not suitable edible.

    This shows, the benefits of barley porridge really many, barley porridge is a health class diet, is of great help to women's health, there are a lot of women is to know that there are so many benefits of barley porridge, would like barley porridge, so every woman can know the benefits of barley porridge Dream beauty pro .

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  • Digital currency exchange NiceHash says bitcoin worth nearly $64 million hacked
    (Reuters) - Cryptocurrency marketplace NiceHash said the contents of its bitcoin wallet had been stolen in a security breach and one executive said nearly $64 million had been lost clinique fresh pressed.
    FILE PHOTO: A copy of bitcoin standing on PC motherboard is seen in this illustration picture, October 26, 2017. REUTERS/Dado Ruvic/File Photo

    NiceHash head of marketing Andrej P. Škraba told Reuters on Thursday that the hack was “a highly professional attack with sophisticated social engineering” and that about 4,700 bitcoin, worth about $63.92 million at current prices, were lost.
    He said the company was co-operating with local authorities but declined to give more information.&nbsp clinique fresh pressed ;

    Earlier, Slovenia-based NiceHash said in a statement posted on its website that it had halted operations for 24 hours as it investigated the breach.
    NiceHash is a digital currency marketplace that matches people looking to sell processing time on their computers in exchange for the digital currency bitcoin.
    NiceHash advised users to change online passwords, saying it was still trying to understand what had happened during the incident.

    “We understand that you will have a lot of questions, and we ask for patience and understanding while we investigate the causes and find the appropriate solutions for the future of the service,” the company said in its statement.
    Reporting by Jeremy Wagstaff in Singapore and Bhanu Pratap in Bengaluru; Editing by Jim Finkle and Raju Gopalakrishnan
    Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles dermes .

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    When it comes to the question of "what's good for women to eat", it is believed that many people think of glue first. Gelatin is a blood tonic ziyin, dryness, hemostatic efficacy of drugs, many women will choose edible gelatin to tone up your body, so what are some advantages of women eat donkey-hide gelatin, edible gelatin and what taboos should be paid attention to?

    What are the advantages of women eating glue GuangDong Hotel provides useful hong kong tourism information for our honourable guests. Such as Hong Kong weather, currency exchange rate, tax, emergency number, electrical system and normal business hours.

    1. Blood tonic, blood raising and hemostasis

    Female anemic can cause body cold, afraid of cold, blood deficiency, empty labor cough, vomiting blood, blood, woman menstruation not to wait. Adhere to the adhesive plaster and other gelatin products can achieve and blood nourishing Yin, except the wind run dry, the phlegm clear lung, li pee, adjust the role of the large intestine. Long-term use of gel cream, women's winter hands and feet icy conditions will also be effectively improved Want a memorable experience for your clients? Check out PartnerNet for the top things to do in : dining, shopping and unique cultural activities. .

    2. Beauty and beauty

    Glue can obviously improve the content of human red blood cells and hemoglobin, moistening the skin through blood supply. Long term use can make the face ruddy, the skin delicate, has the luster. It is good for the skin and beauty.

    The brain is healthy and healthy

    A variety of active ingredients in the gel can relieve the tension of learning, make the brain and body fully relax, improve the constitution, strengthen the body, and energetic. Gelatin contains the boy active peptide, which can enhance the body memory and improve the recognition ability, and have a strong anti-fatigue effect.

    4. Enhanced physique

    Regular use of glue, can enhance the function of the heart. Gelatin is rich in protein, it is a kind of animal glue element, and it has an affinity with grass and wood medicine, which can be used to absorb and utilize. It was mentioned in the article that the adhesive can be used to relieve the pain in the back of the skin, stretch the muscle, and replenish the kidney.

    5. Strong ribs

    Glue fills the blood, the blood can raise the tendon, the fluid can lubricate the joint, enrich the marrow, the spinal cord, the brain marrow, so can be strong the strength of the bone, the fluent joint, resist the injury of rheumatism.

    6. Improve the balance of calcium in the body

    Insist on taking gelatin women, can increase the intake of calcium in the human body, improve the bone mineral content, promote bone growth is strong, and can promote the absorption of calcium and storage, at the same time also can make oneself to the elderly, prevent osteoporosis.

    7. Adjust the tire

    Gelatin can be used for menstruation caused by blood deficiency, blood stasis and blood heat. Glue can repair Yin blood, yi chong ren, so it can raise the fetus, the fetus, the treatment of pregnancy. The common fetal elements are not fixed, the fetus is disturbed, and even abortion has a very good therapeutic effect An oil vaporizer runs on oil battery which needs charging. Now imagine one that takes long hour to pre-heat! Isn\'t that irritating? So, it\'s always better to buy an oil vape pen battery from reputed online sites!.

    The use of glue is taboo

    Although glue has a lot of benefits and benefits, it doesn't mean everyone is fit to eat it. So what are the taboos?

    1. The main function of glue is to nourish Yin and blood, so it is suitable for the deficiency of Yin or the weak body, as well as the treatment and health care, but it is not suitable for the deficiency of qi deficiency.

    2. If you have a cold, cough, diarrhea or other diseases or menstruation, you should stop using the glue, and then continue to take it after you have been cured or stopped. In addition, according to the traditional custom, you should not eat turnip or garlic for two hours before and after the use of glue, or it will reduce the effect of glue and drink strong tea.

    3. If an observation is found that the tongue is sore, the urine is too yellow, and the tongue is yellow, indicating that the Yang qi is more powerful and the heat is very heavy, and the glue should be taken after the fire.

    4. Any weakness in the spleen and stomach, vomiting and diarrhea, abdominal distension and cough sputum should be used with caution. Because of the glue, the digestive system is not good or people with gastrointestinal diseases should use less or not.

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  • With the improvement of people's health awareness, health care has become a concern for many people. It is in autumn and winter, and health care is the important means to help us survive the winter. So, in autumn and winter season, health should pay attention to what key points, at this time, have what moistening the porridge to be able to eat more?

    What should the autumn and winter season pay attention to

    1. Pay more attention to water

    The moisture of dry autumn and winter through the skin evaporates more than 600 milliliter each day, so make up the water is indispensable. An adult drinks a minimum of 1,500 milliliters of water a day, and 2,000 milliliters in the fall to keep the lungs and airway lubricated.

    Dress to keep warm

    Some people are careless. It is too cold to add clothes in time. Some people, for the sake of beauty, should have been wearing little, still unbuttoned. When the wind is cold, the stomach gets cold. Especially the spleen and stomach cold woman, once encounter cold, will have a stomachache, diarrhea, it is a natural reaction of gastrointestinal tract, the best and most convenient way is to wear more points, especially the waist abdomen bag to cover up.

    3. Eat attention to prevent autumn dryness

    Eat more fresh, warm and moist food, such as sesame, walnut, glutinous rice, etc. It can also be used to eat more of the spicy, sour, sweet or healthy fruits and vegetables, especially white radish and carrot. Although eat "xin acid" fruit and vegetables mainly, but also cannot eat too full too much, lest cause the stomach to be stagnant. It is worth reminding that, after the autumn equinox, the cold and cool atmosphere is becoming more and more intense. If the person with the spleen and stomach is not good and often has diarrhea, the fruit is more likely to induce or aggravate the disease.

    Recommend the congee in autumn and winter

    1. Duck and seaweed porridge

    Ingredients: 1 duck leg, 50g kelp, 300g radish, 70g rice, 10g ginger, water and proper salt.

    Practice: duck leg to clean clean and cut into small pieces and dried, kelp, rice all clean standby: duck, kelp, black rice in the pot, add water and ginger slices, after the fire to boil, switch to a simmer, make such as bai luobo, continue to stew, radish boiled into porridge, add sauce to taste.

    2. Lily almond red bean porridge

    Material: lily 30g, almond 6g, red beans 60g, japonica 100g.

    Practice: first boil the red beans until half-rotten, then add the lily, almond and japonica rice to cook the porridge, and add the sugar to taste.

    Lily almond red bean porridge red and white, congee thick taste, has the effect of qinghot, nourishing and nourishing the lungs, suitable for coughing, wheezing, mouth dry.

    3. Winter melon kernel coix seed porridge

    Materials: winter gourd kernel 20 ~ 30 g, coix seed 15 ~ 20 g, japonica 100g.

    How to do: first wash the winter melon kernel, fry the juice, remove the slag. It is porridge with japonica rice and coix seed.

    It has the function of invigorating spleen, clearing heat and discharging pus. Winter melon kernel flavor gan cold, function clear lung phlegm, discharge pus, use for lung heat cough.

    4. Sweet bean and pumpkin porridge

    Ingredients: 100 grams of pumpkin, 1 bowl of rice, 50 grams of honey red beans, a little sugar, and a moderate amount of water.

    Practice: pumpkin to seed, peel, wash and cut into small pieces, water in the pan, add leftover rice after boiling, and mash the rice with a spoon. Add half of the pumpkin and honey red beans, boil, and mash the squash. Add the remaining half of the pumpkin, boil the pumpkin and thicken the porridge.

    Pumpkin is rich in carbohydrates and pectin, which can protect the gastrointestinal mucosa from harsh food stimulation. Rich in vitamins and calcium, phosphorus and other ingredients, is an excellent stomach - eating. Huang chengcheng and soft glutinous pumpkin not only see the eye of the eye, but also nourish the stomach, and also have the effect of detoxifying beauty for the female compatriots Buying the right kind of , you can prevent your E-juice from leaking out! - the shortest horror story you want to face ever.It must have a metal seal and a fully ceramic body to stop oxidation or leakage. .

    5. Sweet potato rice porridge

    Material: sweet potato 50g, millet 50g.

    How to do: the sweet potato wash the skin, cut into an inch long, 5 cent thick small piece. The millet is clear. Place millet, sweet potato into pot, add water right amount, use wu to boil after fire, turn to cook to rice rotten to become congee.

    The biggest function of sweet potatoes is the ability to regulate the intestines. It contains soluble fiber and a large number of bacteria. Due to its low fat and calories, it has a certain effect on weight loss and bodybuilding. In the dry autumn and winter, a bowl of sweet potato porridge is good for your health. In China's classical Chinese medicine literature: sweet potato deficiency, beneficial qi, spleen and stomach, strong kidney Yin effect.

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    Waterborne illnesses are on the rise in Puerto Rico in the wake Hurricane Maria — and health professionals fear the storm's aftermath could unleash an epidemic on the devastated island.

    The death toll from to the storm rose to 51 on Tuesday, with the two latest victims dying of leptospirosis, a bacterial disease usually spread by contact with contaminated water, Puerto Rico Public Affairs Secretary Ramon Rosario told the Associated Press.

    Authorities are investigating an additional 74 suspected cases of the infection as well, he said, and at least one additional previous death was attributed to the disease.

    “It’s going to be higher, it’s like a perfect storm for leptospirosis, people are going to get sick and suffer,” said nurse Llamara Padro-Milano who returned last week from a relief trip to Puerto Rico with the American Federation of Teachers.Having a ceramic as it's healthier. Ceramic parts are resistant to abrasion and oxidation unlike other alloy wires where, oxidation occurs at higher temperature.

    Related: Puerto Rico Doctor: 'Medical Schools Don't Prepare You for This'

    A spokeswoman for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed to NBC News on Wednesday that they had received a shipment of specimens from the U.S. territory and were currently analyzing them at their laboratory in Atlanta, Georgia, for signs of leptospira, the bacteria that causes the disease .

    The disease is transmitted via exposure to the urine of infected animals but humans most commonly are infected by coming in contact with contaminated water, especially through skin abrasions and the nose, mouth and eyes, according to WHO.

    The over 70 suspected incidents of leptospirosis in just a month would represent a major spike: A total of 729 cases of leptospirosis were reported from 1990-2014 to the Puerto Rico Department of Health, according to a 2016 study in the journal PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, of which 78 were fatal. However, the study warned that letopsirosis was under reported or misdiagnosed as dengue .

    It manifests with a wide range of symptoms including high fever, headache, chills, vomiting and diarrhea, but some may have no symptoms at all, according to the CDC. Leptospirosis is treated with antibiotics, but without treatment it can lead to kidney damage, meningitis, liver failure and death, according to the CDC.

    Related: In Florida, Island Puerto Ricans Ponder Post-Maria Future

    “People are forced to sleep on dirty mattresses ... if you have no place to wash your hands and you don’t have [hand sanitizer] how are you going to protect yourself?” she said. “The best that we can do was to teach people how to protect themselves the best way we knew how.”

    Randi Weingarten, the president of the American Federation of Teachers who was in Puerto Rico earlier this month, said she was “alarmed” by conditions she saw on the ground, and that mudslides, plus a devastated infrastructure and destruction throughout the island created a breeding ground for contamination.

    “I’ve never seen the effects of a disaster in the United States of America like this,” she said.

    “You had dead animals and you had streams debris in streams … so the sanitary conditions were terrible and so you see a level of contamination as a result of this that’s terrible,” she said.

    Padro-Milano said nurses were encountering many cases of conjunctivitis, also known as pink eye, as well as residents often did not have clean water to wash their hands. And mold from houses damaged by rain and floodwaters was contributing to respiratory conditions and diseases, she said.

    A quarter of the island’s population still lacks access to running water as of Wednesday, according to authorities, but not all of that access is evenly distributed.

    While 87 percent of the metro area and 88 percent of the south has access to running water, only 46 percent of the north, 68 percent of the west and 77 percent of the east has access, according to a government website.

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